How To: Get rid of under-eye circles

Get rid of under-eye circles

No tricks here: If you have undereye circles, you're never going to get rid of them. A lot of times they're hereditary, or occur as women get older and the skin around their eyes gets thinner, letting red and purple capillaries peek through. However, there are ways to reduce them temporarily.

This video teaches you how to look a bit more alive even if you didn't get much sleep. Cold compresses (spoons and cucumbers) work wonders.

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1 Comment

All eye creams seem to come in tiny .5oz / 15ml containers - which is a waste of money...i like the Made from Earth Olive Night creme because its a large 2 ounce container and has worked WONDERS under my eyes and wrinkles on the sides of my face.

I really enjoy the Olive Night creme - I use it as an under eye cream as recommended by their website. My routine has been putting some of the cream along my lower lid and then gently rubing under my eyes before i go to bed at night. The cream stays put, and doesn't get into my eyes. It also doesn't have any fumes or aromas to make my eyes water since it is organic and chemical free. I'm the one whose eyes will tear if our cat wanders next to me and rubs my shoulder, so my eyes are generally rather sensitive.

I use this each morning and evening. I really can tell the difference, that my eyes look less tired, that the skin looks more healthy. And really, it makes sense. All skin needs moisture to stay healthy. That skin beneath and around your eyes is extremely thin, so if any skin on your body is going to show dehydration first, it would be your eyes. People look at your eyes all the time when they talk to you, so they notice that pretty quickly.

The downside of course is that eye cream is rather pricey - but again, for the above reasons, I don't think it's as bad as it might seem at first. You use tiny amounts. The cream is specially formulated to be safe for use near your eyes, and to be light enough to absorb into that delicate skin. You really DO need to take care of that skin area in a special way, since the skin is so delicate. And it's well worth it to do that, since people who talk to you are generally looking at your face and your eyes when they do so.

I tend to be frugal, but this is one of the areas where I think taking good care of yourself is worth it in the long run. I bought from the website because I believe they only have stores in London and New York - highly recommended for healthy women

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