I've heard some people say that "brown people smell bad!" Ahem. Brown people don't smell bad! Okay, some do, but so do people of all races and cultures. How a person smells has nothing to do with their race, but rather choices they make. I choose not to smell bad, and take steps to make sure that does not happen. Personally I cannot stand bad smells. It's something that makes me feel sick, so I try my best to make sure that I am not the cause of a certain odor. The following are steps I take to not smell "funky", besides the daily routine of taking a shower and keeping clean.
Avoid foods with strong smells!
- If someone in your household is cooking food with a strong odor, I suggest you avoid the smell because it will cling to your clothes.
- Example: Curry! I can attest to this (most South Asian people can as well); the smell of curry will cling to your clothes for a longtime. Trust me; when you're out in public, you do not want to smell like curry; it reeks.
Image Credit: ShadySoldier
Give your clothes a Bounce!
- Throw some Bounce Dryer Sheets (or the brand of dryer sheets you prefer) in your closet. This will keep your clothes smelling good even if you don't take them out for a while. It's especially a good idea if you want to keep your winter clothes fresh when you put them away for the summer.
- If you can't find dryer sheets, from time to time, spray your clothes with Febreze Fabric Refresher.
Use deodorant!
- We all perspire, so this is for everyone: please always wear deodorant! This doesn't just apply for the summer, but also for the winter. Why? Because when you wear all those layers in the winter, you will perspire, so the deodorant will mask the smell of your sweat.
Image Credit: blackjack0919
Spray it, don't just say it!
- Use body spray and/or cologne. Body sprays or colognes enhance your smell for the better. Of course colognes can be expensive. That's why you can always use body sprays. I love Axe body sprays; there are various scents and are inexpensive.
- For girls, stores like Bath and Body Works or the Body Shop have many awesome scented body sprays that you can use.
Use scented lotion!
- I know what you're thinking. How can scented lotion help? Well, putting on scented lotion can help mask your body's natural odor (of course still put on deodorant).
- Also, hand creams or hand sanitizers have great, strong scents that will allow anyone approaching you to receive a pleasant aroma from you.
- Carry deodorant and body sprays with you in your daily activities. You never know when you might need them, and if you do, go to the washroom and make use of it.
- Carry gum or mints. A big part of our lives consists of talking to others, so it's good to make sure our breaths are fresh.
- When using body sprays or colognes, don't overdo it. You don't want the smell of your cologne to suffocate everyone around you. Sometimes, less is more!
- Also, if you're sweating, don't just try to cover up the smell with cologne or body spray. It will just mix with the smell of your sweat, and create a far worse odor. Take some time to cool yourself down, wipe off your sweat (maybe even wash your hands and face), and then use the spray.
That is all! =)
Those are some steps I take to always stay smelling fresh. Remember, everyone can smell bad if they do not take the necessary steps to stop that from happening. Keep yourself clean, put on deodorant, and enjoy the island breeze. Stay fresh everyone, stay fresh.
Thanks for reading!
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